Superior conditioner for clay and compacted soils. One application of PermaTill® permanently restores gaps and pore spaces in compacted soils so that air, water, and roots move freely for better drainage, aeration, and deeper roots systems. PermaTill® is made from a unique slate that is heated to 2000 degrees Fahrenheit, which causes it to expand. The 5/16” expanded slate particles are porous, low in absorbency, and high in nutrient holding capacity.
VoleBloc® is an application of PermaTill® used to discourage voles and protect roots from vole damage. Voles are different than moles in that voles eat roots and bulbs and they would rather not dig through anything harder than mulch or cultivated soils. PermaTill® particles are coarse and therefore ideal as a physical barrier. This barrier adds aeration, drainage and nutrient holding capacity to the root zone therefore enhancing as well as protecting the roots. Roots thrive in PermaTill® and it’s non-toxic and safe for use around pets and wildlife. This barrier will not disappear over time.