ServeScape Installation - Terms & Conditions
SCOPE OF WORK: ServeScape, Inc., a Georgia corporation (Hereinafter referred to as “ServeScape”), through a verified, licensed and insured 3rd party contractor, will provide all labor, equipment, furnish and install all materials, which are necessary to perform the work indicated in your shopping cart on, at the property address listed on the on-line order. The scope of the project is defined by the plan provided by ServeScape and accompanying material purchases and made a part of this agreement by this reference.
After the client initiates the proposal/plan and signs this agreement, any deviation from the plan/proposal, at the request of the Client, may result in an additional cost to the client. All deviations/changes made in the proposal/plan after the commencement of the work will be embodied in a “Change Order” signed by the client and will be added to the “Total Cost” of this project.
Client herein acknowledges that payment of the cost of all “Change Orders”will be required before work on the change can commence. Client further understands all drawings, sketches, graphic presentations, etc., attached hereto, are conceptual representations and do not display or declare exact size specifications.
COST & PAYMENT: The client will pay the “Total Cost” for the work through the “1-Click Installation” feature at checkout, or a Draft Order sent by ServeScape. 10% of the initial Payment is nonrefundable, and will be retained by “ServeScape” in the event of cancellation as compensation to “ServeScape” for the lost scheduling, purchasing, planning time, services and/or materials that may have been provided. Additionally all plant material purchased will incur a 35% restocking fee. All permits and fees, if lawfully required for this project, will be paid by the client.
PROJECT START DATE: Estimated installation start date is typically 2-4 weeks from purchase. The client understands that the initial start/commencement date is only an estimate and may vary and actually start earlier or later than the approximate date provided by your designer. Weather and/or other factors/events beyond “ServeScape” control may affect the timing of contractors’ installation schedules.
DELAYS IN PROJECT: “ServeScape” shall not be responsible for delays in the project brought about due to weather, storms, floods, fires, change orders, special request items, extra contracted work, equipment breakdowns, material shortages, holidays, accidents, illnesses, acts of God or any other items beyond the control of “ServeScape”. “1-Click Installation” charges include planting services only. Site should be clear and ready for planting when our installers arrive. If the site needs any preparation or demolition, additional charges may be proposed on the day of installation. A clear site includes grass, mulched, or bare ground. Site preparations and demolition may include but are not limited to soil conditioning, removal of excess plant material including roots, removing gravel or rock, removing concrete or hardscape pathways. Additional installation fees may apply due to lack of access for trucks, machinery and/or people, limited window of availability, existing conditions that would render the installation extraordinarily difficult.
SOIL CONDITIONS: If subsurface or otherwise concealed physical conditions at the Premises differ materially from those indicated in this Agreement or from those ordinarily found to exist in the vicinity of the Premises, including subsurface septic tanks, sprinkler systems, electrical lines, gas lines, cable t.v. lines, fence, stumps, trees, trash pits, control of underground water seepage, or other unusual ground conditions, including hidden rock, concrete, or debris, then the Contract Price will be adjusted to account for any changes required to this Agreement or in the materials or method of work required to carry out the Work. Any increase or decrease in costs to “ServeScape” due to changes in taxes after the date of this Agreement shall also increase or decrease the Contract Price accordingly. The client will be notified if any of these conditions arise and require cost adjustment to the client.
UTILITIES: Prior to commencing the work, “ServeScape” will request the local utilities services to mark their respective utility lines on the property. Client acknowledges that “ServeScape” will not be responsible for damage to unmarked or unrecorded utilities lines, Irrigation systems, secondary water line, pool equipment, outdoor lighting or damages to utilities lines or other subsurface objects, whether or not marked or recorded, which are not located at standard depths on the Property.
WARRANTY: The ServeScape Secure Warranty, if purchased warrants the work as follows: Plant Materials - “ServeScape” warrants that all plant materials furnished by “ServeScape” shall be healthy, true to name, and in good growing condition. “ServeScape” further warrants that all plant materials will be installed according to generally accepted nursery standards. “ServeScape” will warrant all trees and shrubs for one year and also a one-year warranty on the installation fee. The warranty of plant material is limited to a one-time replacement per item within the warranty period. Construction / Hardscapes - “ServeScape” warrants all construction/hardscapes for 1 year to include material and labor. Warranty does not cover polymeric sand joints, hardscapes damage due to vandalism, use of winter or snow/ice accelerator products, animals, fire, tree falls, mechanical damage, removal or relocation, efflorescence, or stains. Upon the client providing “ServeScape” with notice of a proper warranty claim under this Agreement, “ServeScape” will have 30 days to respond to the warranty claim. The warranty is not transferable. Warranty does not apply to past-due accounts or jobs that are not paid in full.
GRANTS & RELEASE: ServeScape may erect a sign at the Premises identifying the Contractor during the construction and for a period of 2 weeks following completion of the Work. The Contractor shall also have the right to access the site for the purposes of taking photographs in relation to the Work both prior to and after completion of the Work and shall have and retain all copyright in said photographs which may be used by the Contractor at its sole discretion in reference and promotional materials, portfolios and/or publications.
CHANGES/ADJUSTMENTS TO CONTRACT: All changes/adjustments to this contract must be initialed and dated by both “ServeScape” and the Client.
INSURANCE: ServeScape guarantees that the contractor is licensed and carries a minimum of $1M in general liability insurance.