Connect to Protect Pollinator Collection


    Specialty Brands

    Mature Height

    Mature Spread

    Growth Rate

    Flower Attribute

    Flower Color

    Foliage Color

    Flowering Season

    Leaf Lifespan

    Growth Habit

    USDA Cold Hardiness Zone



      Specialty Brands

      Mature Height

      Mature Spread

      Growth Rate

      Flower Attribute

      Flower Color

      Foliage Color

      Flowering Season

      Leaf Lifespan

      Growth Habit

      USDA Cold Hardiness Zone

      ServeScape is excited to announce it has partnered with the State Botanical Garden of Georgia to launch a new “Connect to Protect” collection available exclusively on This one-of-a-kind collection features specific plants that are crucial to biodiversity and found at the site of the State Botanical Garden in Athens, GA.

      The mission of the Botanical Garden is to “create and nurture an environment for learning, inspiration and engagement through horticulture, conservation, science-based programs and lasting partnerships.” 

      As part of their mission, they’ve developed the Connect to Protect program, which “combines beautiful public displays of native plants with educational materials to foster an understanding of the role that native plants play in maintaining biodiversity in urban and suburban landscapes of Georgia.”

      At ServeScape, we wholeheartedly believe that horticulture education is the foundation for a healthy and engaged community. It’s not just about planting flowers, it’s about learning what you’re planting and sharing that knowledge with others. For these reasons, we’re thrilled to help the State Botanical Garden in achieving their mission.

      2 products