
    Growth Rate

    Flowering Season




      Growth Rate

      Flowering Season


      A collection of approved and suggested trees by the city of Brookhaven for urban replacement planting.

      Any tree 4 inches or greater, regardless of condition, requires a permit for removal within the City of Brookhaven. Tree permits have no fees for owner-occupied residences. Commercial and/or investment properties do have a $25.00 fee for tree removal permits. The City does not provide arborist assessments on private property and does recommend consulting with an ISA certified Arborist when considering plans and maintenance for your landscape.

      The City of Brookhaven employs three full-time arborists who enforce the City’s Tree Ordinance and can provide citizens with guidance on tree removal requirements in the City of Brookhaven.

      Note: The City of Brookhaven does not provide tree assessments or tree removal on private property; residents should contact private companies for those services. 

      Please be advised that trees located on private property are the responsibility of individual property owners. The City of Brookhaven does not intervene in civil disputes. If you are concerned about a tree on a neighboring property, discuss the matter with the neighbor; consult a private arborist for advice; and/or consult your homeowner’s insurance.

      87 products