Create a Hummingbird-Friendly Landscape with Monrovia® Plants from ServeScape

While touring the California Spring Trials (CAST) this year, I encountered a delightful minor celebrity at the Ball Horticultural booth.

A savvy little hummingbird, irresistibly drawn to the Agastache collection, put on an acrobatic display that left everyone in awe. Watching this hummingbird zip around, showcasing his radiant colors and dazzling maneuvers, felt like reuniting with an old friend.

A representative from Ball Horticultural quipped, “We’ve been trying to get him to sign a contract for future appearances, but we just can’t make it happen.” However, with the right plants in your landscape, you can almost guarantee regular hummingbird visitors.

Below are hummingbird-friendly Monrovia® plants, why now is the ideal time to plant for hummingbirds, and how to make your garden all the buzz.

Monrovia® Plants at ServeScape

Perfect for Hummingbird-Friendly Gardens, ServeScape offers a wide selection of Monrovia® plants that provide the perfect combination of beauty and resilience to attract hummingbirds. 

Here are five favorites:

1. Agastache 

Features: Tall flower spikes in vibrant colors, fragrant foliage, and nectar-rich blooms.

Why Hummingbirds Love It: Agastache is irresistible to hummingbirds, providing a plentiful nectar source.

Monrovia® Varieties at ServeScape:

2. Salvia

Features: Long blooming season, richly colored flowers, and drought tolerance.

Why Hummingbirds Love It: Tubular flowers offer nectar that hummingbirds find hard to resist.

Monrovia® Varieties at ServeScape:


3. Lantana

Features: Large clusters of scented blooms. 

Why Hummingbirds Love It: Its shape provides a perfect landing pad for hummingbirds. It also has sweet nectar and bright colors. 

Monrovia® Varieties at ServeScape:


4. Butterfly Bush

Features: Fragrant, cone-shaped flower clusters and fast growth.

Why Hummingbirds Love It: Along with butterflies, hummingbirds flock to its profuse nectar.

Monrovia® Varieties at ServeScape:


5. Coneflower

Features: Striking, daisy-like flowers with raised centers.

Why Hummingbirds Love It: Easy access to nectar makes it a hummingbird favorite.

Monrovia® Varieties at ServeScape:


Why Plant Now?

1. Migration Timing: According to the hummingbird migration map on, ruby-throated hummingbirds are now moving northward across North America. Planting now ensures your garden will be ready to welcome them with abundant nectar sources.

2. Optimal Growing Season: Spring is the perfect season to establish new plants. The mild temperatures and consistent rainfall will help your Monrovia® plants establish strong roots, providing vibrant blooms for hummingbirds all season long.

3. Build a Resilient Landscape: Monrovia® plants are known for their resilience, drought tolerance, and disease resistance. By choosing these plants from ServeScape, you can build a beautiful landscape that will endure and thrive year after year.

Bonus Tips for Attracting Hummingbirds

1. Provide Fresh Water: A shallow water feature or birdbath with a gentle bubbler can attract hummingbirds seeking a quick drink or bath.

2. Create Layers: Plant a mix of tall, medium, and low-growing flowers to create a tiered landscape that hummingbirds can navigate effortlessly.

3. Avoid Pesticides: Chemicals can harm hummingbirds and reduce the availability of natural food sources like insects.

4. Use Feeders: Complement your garden with hummingbird feeders filled with a simple sugar-water solution (no dye needed).

With Monrovia® plants from ServeScape, you can transform your garden into a haven for hummingbirds while creating a resilient and visually stunning landscape. Check out ServeScape's selection today, and let your garden buzz with beauty and life!